Must read for building construction stakeholders

Welcome to a discussion on the National Building Code.

The purpose of this, is to share knowledge, ask questions to get answers from the Nigeria Building Code and various participating professional bodies.

Intended audience:
This document will be useful to all stakeholders in the building industry who before now know little or nothing about the under-publicized National Building Code. To guide in operation and application. This includes various professional bodies and their regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies and students.
This forum is intended to be participatory and discursive. To ensure thorough enlightenment of players in the construction industry; to know their rights and responsibilities.

This social media channel has been set up to foster debate on matters of interest to stakeholders in the Nigeria building industry. Praxis values its online networks and want to ensure this is a place that attracts wide participation to underpin the Professionals' vital role in economies and society.

The following groups have contributed to the success of the production of this first edition of the National Building Code:
The seven professions of the building industry and their respective Regulatory Bodies, i.e. Architecture, Building,  Engineering, Estate Surveying and Valuation, Quantity Surveying, Surveying, and Urban and Regional Planning.
Resource persons at various stages of the production of the Code.
All other stakeholders in the building industry.
Their valuable contributions are hereby acknowledged.

Dr. Olusegun Mimiko
Honourable Minister of Housing andUban Development.
©LexisNexis Butterworths,
2nd August, 2006

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